Mand Season


I can’t be sure what you’re getting into. Sorry, but I haven’t made up my mind what I’ll be writing (nor how often). I can promise you won’t find daily updates clogging up your inbox.

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When I say I haven’t made up my mind what I’ll be writing… I mean I decided to let it be made up for me instead. In practice this means taking the scatter-gun approach, writing when and whatever I feel like. Strongly not advised! Oh, well.

What comes into my mind does tend to run along certain themes (quite a few actually), so after a bit we’ll see a pattern. (Sometimes I feel that everything I ever think gravitates around a single grand theme… I need help identifying it, though!) Eventually maybe I’ll see a pattern in what people choose to read, and that may even begin to direct what I write about.

I originally avoided adding one of those counters that show how many people follow this site – but now, as you see, it’s down there. I want you, as well as me, to see the interest grow.

When something makes you want to reply, please do – if you recognise what I’m talking about, or disagree, or have a tip to share or a question. Most of the time the best way will be by commenting at the end of the article, but I also have a contact form here (always accessible from the menu). I want to compare notes, swap stories, get beyond my own one-woman view of the world. The only way is through other people’s thinking.

And when something makes you think of someone you know, tell them about it!

Mand x

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